Glad to have visitors as usual. Grab a seat and start clicking links and such. Let me know if there are any problems if you wish, typos, broken links, display errors on the site, what ever, by using the contact link on the left. Since I'm a blind person, I don't mess with graphics much so this site is pretty much all text and a little bit of audio just to warn sighted visitors. I want sighted visitors and anyone else, but at the moment this site likely isn't the prettiest. There is one benefit to no graphics, and that is pages will load quickly.
What's new:
- Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Only 3 years since the last update on the home page! Stuff changes on the site quite a lot just not on the front page, which is not cool. Anyway, I just fixed a bunch of typos on this particular page of the site. there were a bunch. I can't believe I allowed myself to put up such a poorly written page. Also, something broke the Twitter timeline I had on here so I removed it completely for now. In other news, I created an application I'm releasing for Christmas to monitor the status of the Dropbox application in windows and speak through the currently running supported Screen Reader that status if it changes, automatically. Here it is (SpeakDropbox)! merry Christmas world!
- Monday, January 25, 2010
Moved to valiant8086.com. I've been modifying links to point to the pages on the new site and general fixing. Recently I started a podcast with a friend I met on Skype. I may move the mailing list to use the mailing list service provided by my new host. We'll see. Fixed the twitter what's been happening thing which was broken when I changed my twitter user name. Added a wiki to the site which is used for just about anything that I want others to be able to help me write.
- Wednesday, march 11, 2009
updating various sections, starting with the games area. It's been a while since I updated so wanted to add a new news entry and let readers know this site is still being updated from time to time and is not abandoned. Added a twitter area above the new section that shows the last 10 things I've said on twitter. I don't know how visually appropriate it looks at the moment until I get someone to help.
By the way, twitter users can follow me on twitter if they wish, follow valiant1337 or just click the link that says follow me on twitter above.
- Sunday, July 27, 2008
Moving some stuff around. Friend's sites and stuff go on the links page now. Community page added, it has instructions about my blog and mailing list. The links page is gonna be a pain right now, it loads up people's pages in the same frame as the links page, probably making them visually hard to read, and even worse they don't show up in the address bar so you don't know what their addresses are so you can go get them later. I know how to fix it and intend to do so soon.
- Saturday, July 26, 2008
Added a blog. It's link is:
Also have a mailing list, send a blank message to [email protected] with subscribe in the subject if you want to give it a try. It discusses this website, as well as loosely focuses periodically on general blindness related news on assistive technology and what ever, pretty open to what ever within reason. Try clicking this link to send the message to subscribe, though I doubt it'll put the subject in, even though I tried to get it to.
Click here to try this
Removed part of the script that told how many people were visiting which stopped working. I'll look into getting a good replacement later.
- Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Removing a few broken links and generally editing pages
- Friday, May 18, 2007
Added 3 new cars to the Topspeed downloads section. Removed the jaws and PACMate links from my side bar because I didn't have any content for them. Downsized most of the sound files, pages should load faster and Topspeed cars should download quicker.
- Thursday, December 14, 2006
Removed the music that's been up here since lord knows when. So don't expect any theme songs to play right now. Did add a welcoming voice mp3 file, however. Check out my cute little poem over there, it's really ridiculous, funny, and, go figure, cuuuute.
- Monday, August 28, 2006
I've been changing some things, I've removed some of the directories and am fixing the site so that it doesn't have so many pages. In other words, I'm squishing more content on fewer pages, which means less clicking links on your part.
- Sunday, July 23, 2006
added some stuff about monkey term, a mud client, it's in the game/muds/ section or you can follow
this link.
Added some more cars for Topspeed
Click here to go to Aarontech's Topspeed page
Modified the wording of several webpages, fixed a couple of broken links, and removed the techtalk mailing list signup for the time being, as it is no longer active.
- Monday, February 27, 2006:
Added a bit here and there to the games section. Also we've recently added that cool little right/left banner at the bottom of the page, I thought it was kind of cool, so I just added it. *grin*
- Saturday, January 21, 2006:
We have just added a nice about PACMate page up on our PACMate sight, to see it, go to PACMate by clicking PACMate on the left side of this page. Once you're there, click about PACMate. we busted our rears working on that page, it deserves a close scrutiny, so why don't you give it a shot. *grin*
- Saturday, January 14, 2006:
I've just added the link to the new PACMate section. Be warned though, it is not actually ready for use yet. Do not be surprised to find many broken links and a pitiful lack of content. The jokes section is going to have to wait a while.
- Thursday, December 1, 2005:
We just got some music on for you! Does it sound pretty cool?
- Wednesday, November 30, 2005
We're about to add the PACMate Section! And the Jokes section too! Get! Ready! For! Some! Fun! And Tyler Thompson has agreed to provide some Music for homepage that we can play at a low volume to make the world a bit noisier. Also, I've added the Techtalk list to the sight, check out the bottom of this page for more stuff on that.
- Thursday, September 15, 2005:
I just got this website's foundations up and running! Currently, there are a couple of links in the navigation bar,
I have not yet begun to tackle any of my projects, but expect to get to it soon, I need to find information to put on my sight before I can put anything on it.
I have only got some ideas of what I will make available from Aarontech, those might be,
Mud information: I plan to focus a serious section of my new website on providing links to muds that can be accessible to the blind, plus Mud clients, scripts for mud clients...
Jaws: I expect to eventually devote a section of this website to jaws specifically, stuff in this section might be: Scripts for JAWS that I myself have written, and maybe some scripts that I have ran across myself and decide to put a link to them for your convenience. I expect to provide maybe a mailing list devoted to just talk of jaws, and it's integration with the windows operating system.
Jokes: Yup, I will try to start a jokes section, of course I won't have any X Rated jokes on here ever! But I'll do my best to make you laugh.
I hope you have an enjoyable stay here
Aaron T. Spears (valiant)